What is THIZZZ cruel extraordinary not-looking-a-like thing?

No it’s not an evil new neighborNo it’s not the first alien selfie everNot it’s not how you’d looked like in your mommy’s tummyNo it’s not a new creepy movieNo it’s not how men will

No it’s not an evil new neighbor
No it’s not the first alien selfie ever
Not it’s not how you’d looked like in your mommy’s tummy
No it’s not a new creepy movie
No it’s not how men will look like when they get old

What is THIZZZ?

It is a close-up of an actual ant!
As a matter of fact this photograph is a typical technique to macro photography taken by stacking of lenses by an Indonesia-based photographer.

The very question to this knowing rises: how will you now look at ants?

Next time you see one will you run away as hard as you can? Or are you going to grow an ant farm?

Ant Facts

There are more than 12,000 species of ants worldwide.
An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. Some ants can have millions of babies!

What to learn from ants?

Ants team
Crawling ants

Teamwork and unity are the two main characteristics from the ever so hard working ant community. Qualities the human specie can learn from a lot.
Maybe they should make a real life macro-ant-soap, so we can see how they do that without getting in a fight because of getting in each other’s selfie-stick-way.

The Ant Man

If you want to meet a real Ant Man; then take a look at thizzz:
Photo: Bert Hölldobler

Celebrity Ant

Another huge ant is Adam Ant, but than the celebrity ant variant. From 1980-1983 he had three no. 1 singles and 10 UK top ten hits.

Singer adam ant
Adam Ant

Ant Jokes

  • How many ants are needed to fill an apartment?
  • What do you call an ant who likes to be alone?
  • What do you call a 100-year-old ant?

Flying Ant Day

So by now you should embrace all the ants of the world, not so sure you still want that after seeing that disturbing close-up picture, when they in large numbers fly out at the end of July or the beginning of August.

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